Thursday, 14 June 2012

Harnessing the Rain Water

According to Official records in 1961 there were 117 lakes but now it reduced to 33. Ponds ,lakes plays a important role in hydrological system to store water in monsoon season and keeping the water  to utilize in drier season.They support rich eco system.Encroaching the lakes for commercial purpose caused deteriote in ground water level.Bangalore is facing  huge scarcity of water although corporation pumping 80 crore litres of water  to city per day.Borewells are not the solution for this as it will dry or it has to pumped from 1000’s feet underground leads to  concerns over health issues.
In this context Rainwater  harvesting is fantastic solution for the urban scenario.
Bangalore get 90,000 crores of rain water which fall on city every year,so per day 300 crore liters of water.

Amazing Facts of Rain Water.
1.Ayurveda declares of all the water available rain water colleceted before reaching ground is finest.
2.Techniques to measure rainfall were developed during time of Kautilya(4th century B.C).
3.Cost to implement rainwater harvesting is approximately 5,000 Rs for small private buildings.
4.25 square feet building receives nearly a 15,000 of liters rain water  per year ,so perday average 300 liters sufficient for 2 to 3 person if they use moderately.

Links to Firms who will give this solutions .

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