Monday, 18 June 2012

Environment Impact of the Internet

Internet accounting to 2 % of global co2 emissions .A simple google search can result in 1-10 grams of CO2 release.CO2 release is combined outcome of electricity consumption of servers  and optical cables since world’s maximum electricity generation is from fossil fuel .World wide they are 300 crore internet users.
World top search engine companies are taking steps to reduce CO2 emissions .
*Using efficient servers.
*Trying to purchase clean energy for servers.
Green Google.
Google is world’s  best search engine accounting to 100 crores searches in a day 

  • Google invested 5000 crore in clean energy.
  • Google recycle 100% of its electronic devices.
  • To promote walk and cycling it added  cycle  and walk symbol in Gmap to guide to your destination by possible shortest and better routes to keep  co2 emitting vehicles away from roads.
  • Information on electric charging station to promote electric vehicles .
  • Gmail is the most efficient as it uses servers which consumes electricity from renewable sources compare to local office servers which uses electricity from fossil fuels.

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