Saturday, 30 June 2012

What rain can do ?

                        Month of April                                                                        Month of June
Same place but photographed in different seasons

Both the photograph taken at same place but in different seasons.The photo of the Dry landscape  have taken on April  and the same  landscape turned green  taken on this month June.Yet after the monsoon failure ,the rain which is coming here and there turning the dry  landscapes green alleviating pressure on ecosystem to support  living beings.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Monsoon:India 's angel

Monsoon is greatest  boon to india ,it nurtures our mind with joy by making  landscape green and source of food by irrigating agricultural land.
Summer leads to Monsoon?
Earth geography causes Summer .We know that earth tilt by 23.5 degrees from its axis rotating around the sun which makes seasons on the earth(Summer,winter).
Tilt happen in two is tilt of earth towards sun making steep sun rays  to hit on north hemisphere (Upper half part of globe )  and tilt of earth away from the sun making steep sun rays hit on south hemisphere (Lower half part of the globe).When north hemisphere tilt towards sun the countries which lie is north hemisphere(Upper half part of globe) gets steep sunlight which causes summer, at the same time south  hemisphere countries will be under winter season beacuse these regions will get shallow sunlight .

Tilting towards the sun

In beginning of April northern hemisphere will be tilted towards sun leads to summer, Since india is in northeren hemisphere (Upper half part of globe) get steep sunlight .

Tilting away from sun

In summer (april and may)  Thaar desert and middle India gets  intense  steep sun rays thus  air will  warm up and loses its density , move to  upper area of atmosphere making low pressure zone .To fill the void (gap) moisture  laden winds from the ocean will rushes to land which  leads to rain.Monsoon winds reach lands of India at the end of May. 

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Petrol car or Diesel Car??????

The candid answer for this question is neither.Petrol is much refined oil compare to diesel.Diesel engines are  very technologically advanced as it not uses spark to ignite the fuel  and diesel engines gives more mileage .
Petrol and Diesel has their own environmental impacts .Quantity of CO2 emission is more in petrol car adding significant quantity to world's green house gas.Diesel emit less co2 (Since mileage is more)but it emits more nitrous oxides(Acid rain causing gas) .Petrol emit more  carbon monoxide(highly toxic and effects blood circulation ) compare to diesel.Diesel engine releases Particulate matter(Lung cancer causing) where petrol release nill.
Conclusion is petrol has effect on global warming and diesel has detrimental effect on local environment and human health issues.But new diesel engines are trying honestly to reduce the emission level of above mentioned hazardous gases .

  The best  solution for this is hybrid car like "Toyota Prius" which runs on both petrol   and battery.At lower speeds it runs on battery saving fuel and no gas emission in tandem.At the higher speeds it uses fossil fuel.
It suits for   ride in cities as well as outside the cities.
The bigger advantage is in cities like Bangalore one cannot drive car on higher speeds because of traffic ,so hybrid car uses electric energy inside the cities most of time resulting in  no sound pollution ,no air pollution and finally enhanced mileage.

Cost of Toyota Prius is approx 30 lakhs 
Visit below link which takes you to Toyota hybrid car webpage

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Girl who silenced the world for 7 Minutes

It was 20 years ago this month that Severn Suzuki, then 12, gave the speech of her life. As she stood on the podium at the first Earth Summit, facing leaders  from 178 nations, Severn’s 6-minute statement also became the speech of her generation.
"I am only a child, Yet I know that if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this would be. In school you teach us not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others, to clean up our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share, not be greedy. Then why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do? You grownups say you love us, but I challenge you, please, to make your actions reflect your words.”

Monday, 18 June 2012

Environment Impact of the Internet

Internet accounting to 2 % of global co2 emissions .A simple google search can result in 1-10 grams of CO2 release.CO2 release is combined outcome of electricity consumption of servers  and optical cables since world’s maximum electricity generation is from fossil fuel .World wide they are 300 crore internet users.
World top search engine companies are taking steps to reduce CO2 emissions .
*Using efficient servers.
*Trying to purchase clean energy for servers.
Green Google.
Google is world’s  best search engine accounting to 100 crores searches in a day 

  • Google invested 5000 crore in clean energy.
  • Google recycle 100% of its electronic devices.
  • To promote walk and cycling it added  cycle  and walk symbol in Gmap to guide to your destination by possible shortest and better routes to keep  co2 emitting vehicles away from roads.
  • Information on electric charging station to promote electric vehicles .
  • Gmail is the most efficient as it uses servers which consumes electricity from renewable sources compare to local office servers which uses electricity from fossil fuels.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Rio+20 Conference

Earth Summit will be held in 2012.
Earth  summit will be held in Brazil on 20-22 june .This is the fourth summit in Brazil followed by 1992 Brazil summit, 1997 Newyork summit,20002 Johansberg summit.
The whole environmental movement in earth history believed to be started after the release of book “Silent spring” by Rachel Carson.The book explains detrimental effects of chemical pesticides on environment.
Summit is focusing on 7 critical issues  that  is  water,food,cities,energy,disasters,jobs and oceans.Putting these on sustainable track will relieve much mounting pressure on earth ecosystem.
These is historical summit to be focused on only sustainable ecosystem.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Here his mate is injured and the condition is appalling.

Here he brings her food and attend her with love and compassion.

Brings her food but shocked with her death and try to move her.

Stand beside her and scream saddened of her death.

Finally aware that she would not return to him and she has departed, stands beside her body, sad and sorrow.

Photos of two birds are said to have been taken in the Republic of Ukraine Where the bird is trying to save his mate. Millions of people cry after watching this picture in America and Europe. It is said that the photographer sold these picture for a nominal price to the most famous news paper in France. And all the copies of that news paper were sold out on the day of publishing these pictures.

Harnessing the Rain Water

According to Official records in 1961 there were 117 lakes but now it reduced to 33. Ponds ,lakes plays a important role in hydrological system to store water in monsoon season and keeping the water  to utilize in drier season.They support rich eco system.Encroaching the lakes for commercial purpose caused deteriote in ground water level.Bangalore is facing  huge scarcity of water although corporation pumping 80 crore litres of water  to city per day.Borewells are not the solution for this as it will dry or it has to pumped from 1000’s feet underground leads to  concerns over health issues.
In this context Rainwater  harvesting is fantastic solution for the urban scenario.
Bangalore get 90,000 crores of rain water which fall on city every year,so per day 300 crore liters of water.

Amazing Facts of Rain Water.
1.Ayurveda declares of all the water available rain water colleceted before reaching ground is finest.
2.Techniques to measure rainfall were developed during time of Kautilya(4th century B.C).
3.Cost to implement rainwater harvesting is approximately 5,000 Rs for small private buildings.
4.25 square feet building receives nearly a 15,000 of liters rain water  per year ,so perday average 300 liters sufficient for 2 to 3 person if they use moderately.

Links to Firms who will give this solutions .

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Amazing Facts About Bambooooo

1.Bamboo is a grass but it can grow upto 40 meter(typically) equal to 5 storey building.
2.September 18th is world Bamboo day.
3.In a single day it can grow upto 2 feet.
4.Bamboo is the very first plant grown in Hiroshima after atomic bomb blast.
5.It is being used in Chawanprash.
6.200 crore people till tody staying in bamboo made house.
7.In India alone Bamboo has 25000 crore market value.
8.It is a great carbon remover from environment due to its fast growing capability.
9.Typically its life time is 120 years flowering twice or ones in lifetime .

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Message from great Philosopher

What are the steps to be taken to bring Reforms in the education system to retain wonderful earth.?
Basically  there  is no need of any system to educate the people in society.School,colleges,universities,exams and ranks are  completely futile in making the society happier and healthier. Education system tailored on the basis of mind through which one should earn money but same tailored mind struggle to live happier. The whole idea of learning individual subjects is wrong and unidimentional.That is why  inventions in science, blind economic views making the society chaotic.
A child was asked :why you have born?child quickly answered to go to school.
Nature is a great master.Unsatisfaction in anyone’s  life is directly proportional to how much far he is from nature and its philosophy.A kid should be allowed to  wander in farms,to play the games he like,to read the books he like,to do the activities he like.By all these means he will attain a true intellect and result of this will be boon to society.Discoveries from happy minds will always makes other lives happier and discoveries from the stressed  and competitive mind will always makes other lives stressed and harmful.

Future needs clubs not schools.
 Inventions should not be biased or directed but it must flourish.To accomplish this society needs clubs not schools.A club can be group of individuals who works or dedicated to social or nature welfare  objectives.A kid who completes his happier childhood days by wandering,playing and spends its time with nature ,if he likes can join these clubs based on his interest.Clubs may dedicated to technology ,science,arts,economics or all of these.The inventions from them leads to society healthier,happier and secure.

An appeal from Green Peace organization


KFC gets the paper for its packaging from a notoriously destructive company called Asia Pulp & Paper (APP). APP is driving rainforest destruction in Indonesia at an alarming rate to meet KFC’s demands — leaving endangered Sumatran tigers with nowhere to go.
KFC in India, uses palm oil, which is another cause for rainforest destruction. The company is yet to make a commitment on sourcing palm oil sustainably.
Lakhs of people all over the world have started a revolt against KFC’s destructive packaging. To build-up the pressure, we are now sending emails to the CEOs of the company. Let’s send 25,000 emails to the CEOs in the next 72 hours to make them feel the pressure.

From Nobel Prize winner Algore blog about CO2 rise

We are about to cross another frightening threshold:
“The world’s air has reached what scientists call a troubling new milestone for carbon dioxide, the main global warming pollutant.”
“Monitoring stations across the Arctic this spring are measuring more than 400 parts per million of the heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere. The number isn’t quite a surprise, because it’s been rising at an accelerating pace. Years ago, it passed the 350 ppm mark that many scientists say is the highest safe level for carbon dioxide. It now stands globally at 395.”
“So far, only the Arctic has reached that 400 level, but the rest of the world will follow soon.”
“The fact that it’s 400 is significant,” said Jim Butler, global monitoring director at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Earth System Research Lab in Boulder, Colo. “It’s just a reminder to everybody that we haven’t fixed this and we’re still in trouble.”

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Forest Fire

Forest fire

Do we need to love nature?

Now a days there is growing  interest towards the nature and so many people are declaring they love nature and have great passion towards it. Using these words are  just equivalent to leaving the food for few days and feeling hungry. When people were living naturally they didn’t felt any  kind of restlessness or uncomfortable. After industrial revolution(starts from mid of 17th century) there was great developments in field of science   deprived human from innate  relationship with nature no need to say human is part of natural evolution .Although Science elevated human race from so many issues like ignorance,hunger,security but human kind failed to find regulate button for technological development which reminds movie “SPEED”.
Technology has both brighter part and darker part.we found brighter ,now we are slipping into darker part.Nuclear weapons,pollution of all resources ,global climate crises. The Scientist even expressing concerns over not being able to make it to 2100th year by human race.IPCC(Inter panel committee for climate change-Nobel Winner) declared there will not be Himalaya and Ganga river  in another decade.Any way some organization claimed it is completely false opinion but still scientist have discovered phenomenal melting of ice in this region .India is 3rd CO2 Emitter of the world.
From the last decade nations from all over the world takings actions in conserving ecology by announcing green or sustainable initiatives. By the way green is not just installing  solar or wind mills  .Every move must involve rigorous thought process.
Some of the areas to be  addressed immediately are
1.Transportation-Reducing the fossil fuels .
2.Power generation-Reduction of coal.
3.Waste  Management-In India  there is 35 million tones of solid waste and 55 billion liters of sewage water causing land fills and polluting ground water.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Natural snap

Flower Sky


Run-Run Black Buck

Same Tree two branches one with green and other dry

Eat it-Bite it-Scratch it

Green Buildings.

Green  Buildings.
As the human population increasing there has been    exponential growth in construction of   both residential and commercial buildings leads to exploiting natural resources  by creating ecological imbalance. India is a developing country and construction industry has seen phenomenal increase in the sectors like  IT parks and Apartments. There is a need to implement sustainable architecture in construction of buildings  which must be economically  feasible at the same time  uplift the environmental health .
 "A green building is one which uses less water, optimises energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates less waste and provides healthier spaces for occupants, as compared to a conventional building."

Sustainable buildings.
1.Materials in construction: Any building structure utilizes earth  resources such as sand,water,iron.Inefficient use of these leads to exploitation of natural resources which cause  ecological imbalance. So there must stringent measures in using resources .
2.Energy Efficiency:
Industrial revolution started with advent of coal as primary fuel for  steam engines .As revolution   advanced  resulted in using technology in all walks of life starting from home appliances to gigantic machineries all run by energy, forcing to increase coal based power plants leads to emission of pollutant gases such as CO2,carbon monoxide and many creating ecological imbalance.It urges scientfifc community to invent clean energy means like solar ,wind mill ,nuclear which produce zero percent emission.
3.Waste Management:
In India Every year 55 millions tones of municipal solid waste  and 38  billion liters of sewage water are generating in urban areas .Solid waste leads to land fill creating health hazards in public and sewage water pollute the clean water bodies.

Materials  in construction.
Problems :
Manufacture of brick involves baking of brick at high temperatures .In India   manufacturers use  low grade coal, cow dung cakes, waste oil,tyres,battery cases  as fuel to  bake bricks in the kiln .These kiln releases pollutant gases  such as carbon monoxide,sulphur dioxide,nitrogen,particulate matter and carbon dioxide. Currently in India there is a need of 120 million brick per year .There are nearly 100000 brick manufacturers around the country. It needs 18 tons of coal per lack bricks so totally 24 million tons  of coal per year. It is about 8% of total coal  consumption  of country    apart from this  it consumes  several tones of biomass fuel(wood, tree branches).According to Interpanel  committee for climate change, Coal is the largest contributor  to CO2 in atmosphere.
Alternative to Brick:
Green Bricks:
It uses  fly ash as raw material which is considered as waste and pollutant  usually available in coal powered plants. Unlike processing at high temperature compare to conventional clay brick this utilizes high pressure of 4000psi thus making the brick manufacturing sustainable.

Cement industry produces 5%  of global man made C02 emissions .Process of manufacturing the cement need high temperature .Coal and coke are primary fuels .
Alternative to cement:
Referred to carbon concrete this has been successfully used in two busiest roads of Netherland.Using just a ton of C-FIX can save up to three and half ton of CO2.

Novacem Cement:
Novacem cement will be produced  using  magnesium silicate mixture instead of calcium carbonate allow low energy  production  process .Another important factor is creation of magnesium silicate involves absorption of CO2 thus production process is carbon negative.
Currently  energy consumption in India 195727 GW/H R and in 2020 it is expected to  400000GW/HR.Substantial   increase in the  household power consumption  is putting the pressures on governments to increase the number of power plants  .As the most of the power plants are using coal thus releasing CO2 and other pollutant  gases to environment.40% of world energy consumed by buildings and 30% of india’s total electricity consumed by buildings
Till today 2/3rd of the United states electricity demand fulfilling by fossil fuels.
Development of renewable technologies paved the way for  fulfilling  energy demand  as well as  maintain ecological balance.
Buildings  are equipping with  roof top solars,domestic wind mills to meet their  energy demands. At the same time using  energy efficiently  is equally important and can be achieved by insulation of walls ,windows to reduce heat inside the building .
Waste Management:
Waste that is not properly managed, especially excreta and other liquid and solid waste from households and the community, are a serious health hazard and lead to the spread of infectious diseases. Unattended waste lying around attracts flies, rats, and other creatures that in turn spread disease. Normally it is the wet waste that decomposes and releases a bad odour. This leads to unhygienic conditions and thereby to a rise in the health problems. The plague outbreak in Surat is a good example of a city suffering due to the callous attitude of the local body in maintaining cleanliness in the city. Plastic waste is another cause for ill health. Thus excessive solid waste that is generated should be controlled by taking certain preventive measures.
At the brighter part waste can be converted to energy by methods such as 
·         Thermal Conversion
·         Biochemical conversion
·         Electro chemical conversion
·         Biogas production from residential waste.

Building Retrofitting:
India has nearly 25 crore building which includes both residential and  commertial buildings. Modification of the infrastructure of the building improves  energy efficiency as well as economically viable. Retrofitting involves installing energy efficient appliances, heat insulation for windows and walls and many other measures to make sustainable living.

Recent developments in India to make buildings Sustainable :
Indian green building Council was formed  in 2001  to energize green building movement in India. It is offering services such as training, certification.Currently they have been certified 252 building which involves hotels, commertial buiding  and apartments.

Main Factors in Certification process.
Water Efficiency
Turf Design
Management of Irrigation Systems
Rainwater Harvesting
Grey Water Treatment
Water Metering
Energy Efficiency
Energy Metering
Waste Management
Solar Water Heating Systems
Waste Reduction During Construction
Efficient luminaries
Organic Waste Management, Post Occupancy
CFC Free Equipment
Materials with Recycled Content
Captive Power Generation
Local Materials
Reuse of Salvaged Materials
On-site Renewable Energy
Rapidly Renewable Materials
Cross Ventilation
Certified Wood Based Materials

To name some of the major Sustainable buildings
*Certification level
Embassy Tech Square
Leela Palace
New Delhi
ITC Hotel
Yahoo software Development
ITC Gardenenia
Pre certified gold
Certification Level
48 - 59

60 - 80