As the human population increasing there has been exponential growth in construction of both residential and commercial buildings
leads to exploiting natural resources by
creating ecological imbalance. India is a developing country and construction
industry has seen phenomenal increase in the sectors like IT parks and Apartments. There is a need to
implement sustainable architecture in construction of buildings which must be economically feasible at the same time uplift the environmental health .
"A green
building is one which uses less water, optimises energy efficiency, conserves
natural resources, generates less waste and provides healthier spaces for
occupants, as compared to a conventional building."
in construction: Any building structure utilizes earth resources such as sand,water,iron.Inefficient
use of these leads to exploitation of natural resources which cause ecological imbalance. So there must stringent
measures in using resources .
Industrial revolution started with advent of coal as primary
fuel for steam engines .As revolution advanced
resulted in using technology in all walks of life starting from home
appliances to gigantic machineries all run by energy, forcing to increase coal
based power plants leads to emission of pollutant gases such as CO2,carbon
monoxide and many creating ecological imbalance.It urges scientfifc community
to invent clean energy means like solar ,wind mill ,nuclear which produce zero
percent emission.
In India Every year 55 millions tones of municipal solid
waste and 38 billion liters of sewage water are generating
in urban areas .Solid waste leads to land fill creating health hazards in
public and sewage water pollute the clean water bodies.
Materials in construction.
Problems :
Manufacture of brick involves baking of brick at high
temperatures .In India manufacturers
use low grade coal, cow dung cakes, waste
oil,tyres,battery cases as fuel to bake bricks in the kiln .These kiln releases
pollutant gases such as carbon
monoxide,sulphur dioxide,nitrogen,particulate matter and carbon dioxide.
Currently in India there is a need of 120 million brick per year .There are
nearly 100000 brick manufacturers around the country. It needs 18 tons of coal
per lack bricks so totally 24 million tons
of coal per year. It is about 8% of total coal consumption
of country apart from this it consumes
several tones of biomass fuel(wood, tree branches).According to
Interpanel committee for climate change,
Coal is the largest contributor to CO2
in atmosphere.
to Brick:
It uses fly ash as
raw material which is considered as waste and pollutant usually available in coal powered plants.
Unlike processing at high temperature compare to conventional clay brick this
utilizes high pressure of 4000psi thus making the brick manufacturing
Cement industry produces 5%
of global man made C02 emissions .Process of manufacturing the cement
need high temperature .Coal and coke are primary fuels .
to cement:
Referred to carbon concrete this has been successfully used
in two busiest roads of Netherland.Using just a ton of C-FIX can save up to
three and half ton of CO2.
Novacem cement will be produced using magnesium silicate mixture instead of calcium
carbonate allow low energy
production process .Another
important factor is creation of magnesium silicate involves absorption of CO2
thus production process is carbon negative.
Currently energy
consumption in India 195727 GW/H R and in 2020 it is expected to 400000GW/HR.Substantial increase in the household power consumption is putting the pressures on governments to
increase the number of power plants .As
the most of the power plants are using coal thus releasing CO2 and other
pollutant gases to environment.40% of
world energy consumed by buildings and 30% of india’s total electricity
consumed by buildings
Till today 2/3rd of the United states electricity
demand fulfilling by fossil fuels.
Development of renewable technologies paved the way for fulfilling
energy demand as well as maintain ecological balance.
Buildings are
equipping with roof top solars,domestic
wind mills to meet their energy demands.
At the same time using energy
efficiently is equally important and can
be achieved by insulation of walls ,windows to reduce heat inside the building
Waste that is
not properly managed, especially excreta and other liquid and solid waste from
households and the community, are a serious health hazard and lead to the
spread of
infectious diseases. Unattended waste lying around
attracts flies, rats, and other creatures that in turn spread disease. Normally
it is the wet waste that decomposes and releases a bad odour. This leads to
unhygienic conditions and thereby to a rise in the health problems. The plague
outbreak in Surat is a good example of a city suffering due to the callous
attitude of the local body in maintaining cleanliness in the city.
Plastic waste is another cause for ill health.
Thus excessive solid waste that is generated should be controlled by taking certain
preventive measures.
At the brighter part waste can be converted to energy by
methods such as
Thermal Conversion
Biochemical conversion
Electro chemical conversion
Biogas production from residential waste.
India has nearly 25 crore building which includes both
residential and commertial buildings.
Modification of the infrastructure of the building improves energy efficiency as well as economically
viable. Retrofitting involves installing energy efficient appliances, heat
insulation for windows and walls and many other measures to make sustainable
Recent developments
in India to make buildings Sustainable :
Indian green building Council was formed in 2001
to energize green building movement in India. It is offering services
such as training, certification.Currently they have been certified 252 building
which involves hotels, commertial buiding
and apartments.
Main Factors
in Certification process.
Water Efficiency
Turf Design
Management of
Irrigation Systems
Rainwater Harvesting
Grey Water Treatment
Water Metering
Energy Efficiency
Energy Metering
Waste Management
Solar Water Heating Systems
Waste Reduction During Construction
Efficient luminaries
Organic Waste Management, Post Occupancy
CFC Free Equipment
Materials with Recycled Content
Captive Power Generation
Local Materials
Reuse of Salvaged Materials
On-site Renewable Energy
Rapidly Renewable Materials
Cross Ventilation
Certified Wood Based Materials
To name some of the major
Sustainable buildings
*Certification level
Embassy Tech Square
Leela Palace
New Delhi
ITC Hotel
Yahoo software Development
ITC Gardenenia
Pre certified gold
Certification Level
48 - 59
60 - 80