Sunday, 28 July 2013

First aid for snake bite


First Aid
It is important to remember that snakes do not bite out of whim. They are usually forced to bite. The good news is that venom has evolved as a mechanism to subdue prey and Snakes need to conserve their venom for that purpose. Most snake-bites occur when the snake is accidentally provoked. In some cases (getting more frequent these days), the victim has simply asked for it. If you find yourself in a snake‐bite situation, simple protocol and presence of mind could end up saving the victim’s limb or even life.
First Things NOT to Do:
•Never try to suck out the venom.
•Never make an incision.
•Never go to traditional healers or try home remedies.
•Tie tourniquets or use ice.
•Never clean out or tamper with the site of the bite.
•Never try and catch the snake or kill it.
All the above actions do not work and often cause more damage than good.
Here are things you SHOULD do:
• Make sure the victim and others are a safe distance away from the snake and Try to memorize its appearance .
• STAY CALM and in control.
• Take charge of the situation and reassure the victim.
•Remove Watches, rings, bangles and anything else that will become constrictive if the limb was to swell up.
•Try to immobilize the victim. Never let him/her run and only allow to walk if unavoidable.
•In case of neurological bites (All elapid's and hydrophilic: Cobras, King Cobras, Kraits, Coral snakes and Sea Snakes), pressure immobilization (Sutherland method - with Long crepe or other stretchy bandage (5 - 10 cm wide, several rolls) and splint to be applied immediately to the bitten limb, starting at the digits and working up to the groin or arm pit.
Do NOT waste time with trying to get any elaborate first aid.
•Get to hospital as soon as is safely possible.
•Note the time of the bite and the progression of any visible symptoms.
•Give the doctor a brief and detailed description of the bite and symptoms.
Anti snake venom serum is the only proven cure for venomous snakebites.
snake bite first aid.  poisonous snake bite, venomous snake bite
(A) Apply a broad pressure bandage from below upwards and over the bite site as soon as possible. Do not remove trousers, as this will help the venom to enter into the bloodstream. Keep the bitten limb still. (You can splint the limb)
snake bite first aid.  poisonous snake bite, venomous snake bite
(B) The bandage should be as tight as you would apply to a sprained ankle. The patient should avoid any unnecessary movements.
snake bite first aid.  poisonous snake bite, venomous snake bite
(C) Extend the bandages as high as possible (ideally up to the groin or in the case of arm, up to the armpit).
snake bite first aid.  poisonous snake bite, venomous snake bite - splinter
(D) Apply a splint to leg, immobilizing joints on either side of the bite.
<empty>snake bite first aid.  poisonous snake bite, venomous snake bite - pressure bandadage
(E) Bind it firmly to as much of the leg as possible. Walking should be restricted.
<empty>snake bite first aid.  poisonous snake bite, venomous snake bite - immobilisation  of limbs
(F) Bites on the hand and forearm : bind to the axilla, use a splint to the elbow and use a sling.
Pressure immobilization (Sutherland method) - courtesy David A. Warrell
Snakebite Prevention
• As always, prevention is better than cure.
• Take care when clearing vegetation, raking dry leaves in your garden.
• Supervise kids in the outdoors, especially in a green neighborhood.
• Use torch/flashlight at night and keep wearing those shoes.
• Check shoes before wearing them.
• Watch your step and see before you sit!
• Keep your backyard free of junk and make sure your solid waste is managed properly. 
• If you see a snake, do nothing. Let it go. 
• Do not try to pick it up or kill it. 
• If a snake has entered your premises, call professional snake rescuers.

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