Ants are ancient ,they have been on the earth much before we
arrived.They constitute nearly 25% of
total animal weight in the tropics.Inch
Ants of Australia and Jumping Ants of India qualify as some of largest ants in
the world.Ants are seasoned architects
,the design and architecture of their nest is distinctly purposeful and
constructed with patience.Ants not only
care for their offsprings but also for distant relatives of colony.
Amazing facts about Ants
Communication by touch:
Morphological communication is not very well understood. Antennating (Tapping each others
antennae) is the most commonly seen form of tactile communication.Ants also tap
the gaster of their nest mates as
well.The physical contact could be made to request for food or checking if ant
belongs to same nest and many times just
for nothing .
Recognizing Nest mates from non-nest mates:
A unique odour is present in each ant’s nest.The source of the odour is from the founder of the colony the queen.Hence the odour differs from
one colony to the other.
It is always “us” not “I”:
Cooperation coupled with an
unselfish behavior in ants .Numerous ants have given up their ability to reproduce only to help one or few reproductive individuals highlights the organization
and evolution of social life in an ant society.
No Scanning to identify gender of offspring like Us :
Sex of each of the offspring
to take birth in the colony is decided and then regulated by the queen depending on the stage of the colony’s life cycle.
So much to learn from Ants :
Mathematical modeling inspired by ant colonies has been used
in various subjects ,for example
in traffic management .Army ants are
amazing animals where 2.5 lakh
individuals moves thirty thousand bits of food per hour without collisions .
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