Western Ghats finally made it to World Natural heritage list
UNESCO(United Nations Educational ,Scientific and Cultural Organization) inscribed Western Ghats as one of World Natural Heritage sites.Currently there are 188 Natural Heritage sites present all over the world.
India has three water sheds one is Himalayan Range (Ganga, Yamuna),Vindhya and Satpura Range(Tapti,Narmada) and Western Ghats(Kaveri,Godavari,Krishna).
Western Ghats :
One of Eight hotspots of biological diversity in world.
Ranges runs over 1600KM covering tamilnadu,Karnataka,Maharastra ,Kerala,Goa.
Western Ghats are the home for 5000 species of flowers,139 mammal,
179 amphibian species , 500 bird species.
Approximately sixty percent of the Western Ghats are located in the state of Karnataka